Friday, October 14, 2005

Out of Our Hands

The Portnoys are an Israeli family who now call Marystown home. Two of the Portnoy children are born and bred Canadians, the other Portnoys anxiously await to be officially Canadian. After about a decade the Portnoy file finally reached the top of the heap of some faceless federal Bureaucrat. Scratching his protruding belly and sipping his StarBucks Latte he grabs the Rubber Stamp and seals the fate of a new Newfoundland and Labrador family. "Send 'em Back" (or some bureaucratic equivalent), stamped in red across the file. And Geeze it is hard to convince that guy otherwise. Allegations of car thief in his homeland have been dealt with by Mr. Portnoy and Isaeli documents shows the issue to be closed - but... The Stamp has spoken!

Bill Matthews has spoken on behalf of the Portnoys, so has educators, community leaders, and friends. The simple fact remains that it is not up to Newfoundland and Labradorians who we wish to live in our land.

After Bill Matthews spoke with Immigration he told the Portnoys it's "out of his hands". Isn't there a problem when we cannot determine for ourselves who makes up our communities? Out of our hands; out of our pockets; out of our waters and out of our soil. What's next from Ottawa.

The NEW Official Website of the Portnoy Family

A Very Good Detailed Account of Mr. Portnoy's Story is Here

Immigration Link:

1 comment:

NL-ExPatriate said...

Not exactly sure the difference between IRB and CIC?

But according to Citizenship and Immigration Canada a family can be sponsored by a family member etc for a period of 3 to 10 years.

It would seem the Portnoy's have already passed this sponsorship test in the community of Marystown?

Here are some more immigration links.